- Is there any bank close to here?
- How much does a transfer abroad cost?
- Could I pay this fine in this bank?
- Can I pay this bill in this bank?
- Can I cash this cheque in this bank?
- Can I cash this promissory note in my current account?
- Can I enter this check in my current account?
- Can I enter this promissory note in my current account?
- Do you want to have it in cash or enter it in your current account?
- Have you already changed money in the bank?
- Can I check with my bank?
- Could you come in the morning?
- Would you sign your name here, please?
- Would you sign the cheque, please?
- Would you fill in a paying-in slip (or paying-in deposit slip), please?
- Could you complete this form, please?
- I would like to open a current account/ a savings account
- I want to transfer money to this account, please
- at the desk/at the cashier
- They will pay you the difference at the cashier
- We have credited your account with the amount
- Pay it into my account, please
- I want to cash these traveller cheques, please.
- What charges do you have?
- I want twenty notes in fifties