EInside the aircraft the barometric pressure is lower than that at sea level, low air humidity and air recirculation. And to these conditions you have to add that passengers' mobility is greatly reduced during the flight.Passengers with the following problems should request their doctor before flying:

If you has nasal congestion due to an infection or respiratory allergy.

If you has chronic sinusitis, middle ear infection or otitis

If you has lung disease or respiratory insufficiency.

If you has suffered a heart attack, angina pectoris or suffers from bad circulation.

If you is to travel with his legs in plaster

If you have had a recent operation, particularly eye, abdominal or lung surgery.

In flights over three hours, airlines usually recommend certain eating and drinking guidelines, such as physical exercises during the flight, that help increase your well-being and reduce the drawbacks of prolonged immobility.

Should a passenger be ill, the airline's medical service will study the possibility of whether they fly or not and the conditions of flight.

The passenger can be transported on a stretcher or given one or more seats. The airline must be consulted regarding the conditions and fares applicable in each case. When transported on a stretcher, the passenger must be accompanied by another person.


