In order to form the plural one - s is added to the words finished in vocal; words finished in consonant added - es.

el coche (the car)
la casa (the house)
los coches (the cars)
las casas (the houses)
el hotel (the hotel)
la ciudad (the city)
los hoteles (the hotels)
las ciudades (the cities)

Also with words, which on stressed end , it is added -es:el marroquí (the Moroccan) - los marroquíes ( the Moroccans), la i (the i) - las íesi (the i) , el pedigrí (the pedigree) - los pedigríes (the pedigree), el sefardí (the Sephardi) - los sefardíes (the Sephardi), el zahorí (dowsing ) - los zahoríes (dowsing ).

Words finished in - z in their singular form, finishes in - ces in its plural form: una vez (once) - varias veces (several times), el pez (the fish) - los peces (the fish).

Nouns in singular finished in - s and whose preceding vowel is not marked, does not change in their plural form. For example, the days of the week: el lunes (Monday) - los lunes (Mondays); but un inglés (an Englishman) - los ingleses (the Englishmen)

Words finished in singular on consonant and with accent in the last syllable, lose it in plural: el alemán (the German) - los alemanes (the Germans), el autobús (the bus) - los autobuses (the buses ), la estación (the season, the train station, the bus station) - las estaciones (the seasons, the train stations, the bus stations) .

Some nouns exist only in the Pluralform:las vacaciones (the holidays), las tijeras (the scissors), las gafas (the glasses), las bragas (the panties), los leotardos (the tights), los alicates (the pliers), las albricias (the messengers´s fee), andas (the bier), los añicos (the smithers),  las arras (the down payment, the deposit), los comicios (the elections), las cosquillas (to tickle), los enseres (the belongings), las entendederas (the comprenhension, the brains, pretty dim), los esponsales (betrothal, engagement), las exequias (the obsequies), las fauces (the jaws, the mouth), los maitines ( the morning prayer), las nupcias (the nuptials, the mariage ceremony), los víveres (the provisions).

Few are only singular: la gente (the people).

Some male nouns can include the feminine in the plural also: los hermanos (the brothers/the sisters), los hijos (the sons/the daughters), los padres (the parents), los primos (the Cousins)






plural of the nouns